Kirkpatrick Campaign Reports Massive Field Efforts to Increase Voter Turnout

October 23, Tucson – Today, Team Kirkpatrick announced that its grassroots field program, partnered with the Arizona Democratic Party has knocked nearly 83,000 doors since the start of September. In addition, the team has dialed over 217,000 voter outreach calls and completed over 3,650 volunteer shifts.

The six campaign offices throughout Arizona’s Second Congressional District are hubs for Kirkpatrick volunteer efforts. The offices are located in Tucson, Sierra Vista, Douglas and Green Valley.

“We knocked nearly 15,000 doors this weekend alone. The energy we are seeing on the ground has been incredible,” said campaign spokeswoman Abigail O’Brien. “Our volunteers are tirelessly working every day to remind voters to turn in their ballots.”

Similar to past races, Kirkpatrick has put an emphasis on field efforts that help voters get to the polls and mail their ballot back.

Arizona Public Media reported that Pima County had a 4.71 increase in voter turnout for the primary. The campaign has over 3,000 volunteer shifts scheduled from today until election day focused on increasing turnout for the general.

“The team is working to ensure we see an increase in Democrat votes for the general,” said Abigail O’Brien. “If you haven’t mailed back your early ballot, we are knocking on your door and calling until you do.”